Singer Island Personal Training

Singer Island Personal Training

fitness equipment

We will pair you with a personal trainer that can help you overcome your obstacles and take your fitness goals to new heights. Contact us to learn more about the potential of training with an Elite Personal Trainer!

One-on-one consultations with our Elite Island Fitness personal trainers and nutritionists are always available, as our staff is dedicated to providing you and your guest with the highest level of service.

In addition to our full access options at Elite Island Fitness, we offer expert trainers and Athletic Strength Training Programs for athletes looking to take their talent to the next level

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Our Personal Trainers



Von Archer has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years. He has a passion for helping and guiding individuals to reach their fitness goals. One of his favorite mottos is “Fitness is a lifestyle”! He is the 2014 NPC Southern States Men’s Physique champion. Von works with clients of all ages and fitness levels.


-American Aerobic Association International (AAAI)

-International Sports Medicine Association (ISMA)



Aaron Young has over a dozen years of experience training clients. He specializes in balance and corrective exercise. He has a Pilates background which he integrates into weight training. His goal is to help clients reach their potential and shine through positivity.


-NASM: Corrective Exercise, Balance, and Nutrition

-Mobility WOD certified

-Pilates certified through Balanced Body



Justin Gutierrez is a fitness lover and health enthusiast. He specializes in bodybuilding, powerlifting, endurance, functional and core training, along with diet and nutrition.



-ISSA Nutritionist

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